Staying home was my own wish. I thought I’d finally have more time for everything.
For praying, for playing with my son and for pampering myself too which I have forgotten post mom life.
With cracked heels, coarse hands and greasy hair that I can’t recall when I brushed last time, I sometimes feel I ACTUALLY look like a monster.
But this is it!
I NEEEED some MEEE time.
Yes! I know we don’t have the luxury of time OR the motivation it takes to visit the parlor for a deep cleansing face, neck and shoulders massage.
I’ve sat down on my couch, thumped the diary on my lap, and with a force so mighty it might break the pencil straw, jotted down a list of things that I CAN do within ten minutes.
And before I share my list with you let me tell you why this is important.
Doctor Covey described it best in his book 7 Habits.
He said don’t be so busy sawing the tree that you don’t even want to stop to sharpen the saw. He talked about this concept as maintaining the balance between production (P) and production capability (PC).
(Production/Production Capability or P/PC)
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How To Take 10 Minutes Out Of Your Busy Routine
- borrow ten minutes from your regular nap/sleep time
- Ask husband/good neighbor friend you trust to look after the kids for ten minutes
- Give kids an out-of-routine but safe object to play with (like a bag of beans/ice cubes/macaroni + plates and spoons)
- Skip dusting or any such not life-or-death-important home chore today
- Put kids on cartoons (it’s only 10 minutes!)
Related: 14 Powerful Time Management Tips For Moms (To Get More Done Today!)
Self Care Ideas For Moms
1. Take a soothing hot shower
2. Brush your hair with a soft brush – enjoy this massage
3. Put on lipstick and mascara
4. Paint your nails
5. Change into nice + clean clothes
6. Do yoga or meditation
7. Hydrate yourself with a tall glass of water
Related: 7 Quick & Easy Tips To Boost Energy (For The Tired Mom!)
8. Read jokes (try Pinterest or Google)
9. Listen to this. I promise it’ll make you feel better if you do as he says.
10. Share the most hilarious joke from point #8 with someone and enjoy a good laugh together (you are allowed to snort while laughing. I did when I found some really nice ones on Pinterest.)
11. Take your favorite drink
12. Gulp your vitamins like Popeye takes his spinach. (Bonus: Feel the metaphorical muscles popping out. Remember what Tony said in the video in point #9?)
13. Go outside, stretch your arms, take a deep breath.
14. Hug yourself and tell yourself you deserve your love too.
15. Go to an empty room and just enjoy the alone time in there. Let everyone wreak havoc outside. They’re doing that all the time anyway.
16. Pray to God, tell Him you just popped in to say He is the best, you love Lim and you’re grateful for everything.
17. Write down today’s plan/to-dos/goals on a paper. The clarity of mind that this activity will give you will also make you feel lighter.
18. Read these positive affirmations for moms. Very very inspiring!
19. Call grandma and ask her how much she loves you.
20. Forgive yourself or someone else for something that bothers you often, make peace with it in your heart and let it go from your mind so it doesn’t occupy unnecessary space in your head.
Do This
We are so busy taking care of everyone else’s needs that we forget the story we were told as children. One about the golden goose.
If you need the golden eggs, take care of the precious little goose.
Accept it or not, you are the golden goose who provides love and care for the entire family. You must look after yourself in the middle of all others tasks a mom is occupied with. This will also prevent you from falling into a funk and losing your motivation.
Want More?
Keep Reading For More Practical Help & Motivation
- 7 Things To Do Each Morning Before Everyone Is Up (To Stay Sane The Rest Of The Day!)
- How These 10 Habits Keep You Really Stressed (& That Makes You So Annoying!)
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