A fun hand trace craft that will make your child feel special, loved and having a BIG gang of high-fiving friends around the world during this isolation period.

This is Musa and Musa hasn’t high fived anyone (except me, his mamma) for almost a month now. #stayathomechallenge.

So I thought it would be a great idea if we could have our kids exchange virtual high fives somehow.
And we came up with an exciting group craft idea that I’m sharing with you in this post. (instructions below)
(The idea began when he and I were working on a hand trace activity but he found it more amusing to take the cutout hand trace and high five me, and his dad who is posted away on the video call. He even used the paper hand cutout to smack his sister.)
How To Give Me 5 (Virtually!)
Take a blank paper sheet and have your child trace her/his hand.

Write their name, age, and country in the palm area on the tracing

Take a picture of this page that has your child’s hand tracing and share it below this pin image. I have shared ours below that pin too. Just download it from there.
Download other pictures below the pin that you find and like, print them out and make a cluster of high fives for your child on their wall.
Important: When taking a photo of the hand tracing paper, keep the camera right above the page, not from an angle. Also, keep it so close to the page that nothing else shows outside the sheet. My mommy brain couldn’t think of a better way to create uniformity in page sizes I will collect.
We can print out all hand tracings we can collect, cut them and put them on our children’s artboard or door. My hope is to collect at least a dozen high fives for my son from around the world.

Will you join in?
Note: If you can’t figure out how to attach a photo below the pin image, but you really want your child to take part in this craft, then just email me at hena@mendingwithgold.com and I’ll walk you through or I’ll put your image below that pin for you.
Thank you so much!
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