Inside: Free template monthly habit tracker printable with 30-day goal settings +An awesome list of 101 healthy habit tracker ideas to track in your bullet journal/daily planner!
How This Cute Habit Tracker Printable Keeps Me Focused In The Middle Of All Distractions
Today I’m going to share with you my simple habit tracker printable (+ 101 habit tracker ideas for inspiration!) which holds me accountable and has completely skyrocketed my focus and productivity as a stay at home mom!
This post contains affiliate links.
LIVING WELL PLANNER LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR! This is the planner I have been using for 2 years and couldn’t imagine a saner stay at home life without it. If you’re a planner person like me then this news is for you. If you start your planners with the school year, then this is the perfect time to grab your planner! But you better be quick, the planner has become so popular, during these sales, they run out of stock before the shipping even starts. Want to take a look at each and every page? Click the image and look for a big yellow button saying ‘FLIP THROUGH THE PLANNER IN 3D‘.
This simple design keeps things easy for me because I’m no professional artist like you must have seen with their fancy bullet jounals on instagram. I use this tool to develop consistent healthy habits which in turn has become a game changer in how much more accomplished I feel at home now.
Plus I’m going to give you ideas to write or journal in this habit tracker printable so you know exactly what to track in it and let the powerful magic of habits follow suit because:
The law of harvest is to reap MORE than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a DESTINY. ~ James Allen
So keep reading…
If you’re absolutely new to habit tracking, here is some answers to your questions to get you started:
What Are Habit Trackers?
If you’re just starting, you might think a habit tracker to be a highly complex work of art only for people who have all the time in the world to decorate a piece of paper… each day, every single month!
A BIG NO-NO for busy moms like you and me who are already too distracted to find time to shower, let alone invest time in decorating her showering progress.
In the simplest sense, a habit tracker is a document where you can see and track your daily progress as you work to build consistency with a particular habit.
There are many habit tracker layouts you can choose from (like circular, grid, chains etc) but I find it easy and effective to use a simple grid table to fill my progress each day. (It’s the one you see in the images of this post.)
Related: Habit Calendar For Kids (+ How We Make New Habits Stick!)
How Does A Habit Tracker Work/ How Do You Keep Track Of Your Goals In A Habit Tracker?
Before we answer your question, let me ask you something,
‘How do you make a habit?’
‘How do you make good habits stick?’ And precisely, ‘How can you overcome bad habits?
‘Of course, by focusing on doing the good stuff consistently!!’, you say.
(Easier said than done!)
And that’s where our smart little habit tracker comes to help.
If you’re brand new to this productivity tool, you may find yourself wondering, ‘but how do habit trackers work?’
So here is the step by step explanation of how to use a habit tracker to stick to your goals every day. So in turn, they become your second nature or habits that you do without even thinking:
- Once you have your daily habit tracker template with you, you list all the habits you want to hold yourself accountable for in the habit column of your tracker
- Then each day, in front of every habit, you cross out one box* if you accomplished the corresponding habit that day.
- You skip the box/don’t fill it if you didn’t accomplish your corresponding goal for that day
- Do this daily for each of the habits in your tracker
- At the end of the month, all the filled gaps will show a visual representation of how well you stuck to your habit.
- The empty gaps will tell you all the times you didn’t do your daily task.
The chain of daily accomplishments pushes you to continue doing your task each day.
* you can use other ways to fill your boxes too. For example adding colored dots, making design patterns such as slanting lines etc.
I cannot deny the benefits of a habit tracker as it holds your hand to help you stick to your routine when you can see with your eyes where your daily patterns are headed. But as much as I’d love to, fancifying it is completely out of the scope of this post, or out of my league for that matter!
Here are a few types of habit trackers you will find:
- Paper-based habit tracker (—>PDF files used to print out the templates for putting in your physical planner/bullet journal etc)
- Habit tracker excel sheets
- Habit tracker apps for your phone or PC
- The handmade one you can draw in your journal or diary
Why Use A Habit Tracker
Here are a few benefits of a habit tracker:
- Because the physical action of writing down something increases its chances of getting done by 40+%
- It turns fluffy thoughts into tangible, actionable steps –
- Its there on the fridge/wall right in front of your eyes, instead of just in your mind, so you can’t forget it
- It keeps you accountable
- Keeps your focus on your high priority tasks in the middle of daily distractions
- Completing a habit chain builds your confidence and integrity
- You don’t want to go against science.
How To Start A Habit Tracker
If you’re old school like me, you’ll find that if you:
- take any ready-made template you like or use my habit tracker template free of cost
- print it out
- fill the template with whatever habits you want to hold yourself accountable for (e.g. brush my hair daily, do yoga, drink fresh juice etc… more ideas below)
- put it on your fridge or your door so it’s there in your face day in and day out
- manually fill each day’s accomplished habits by putting simple crosses with a pen
… it works best!
What To Add To Your Habit Tracker: 101 Habit Tracker Ideas A SAHM Can Journal About
In case you’re wondering, ‘What habits should I track?’
Anything that you deem important but keep forgetting to do, or keep slipping off of, or even otherwise just want to hold yourself accountable for, you put it into your habit tracker.
Here are a few daily habit tracker ideas for your inspiration. If you don’t know where to start, pick any of the ones that seem important for your own life.
Some of these are things I would love to do each day but somehow I fall back on. I have set bare minimum limits for myself, and any less than that doesn’t count as a ‘done’.
You can change this according to your own needs. And of course you don’t have to do all of them, just pick the ones that will impact the quality of your days and your specific life situation.
Let’s jump right into my list of 101 things /good habits to track!
- Leave bed before 6 am
- Brush my hair
- style my hair (or myself)
- dress up/change shirt
- put on makeup
- wear jewelry (1 piece at least)
- scripture study
- meditate (10 min. at least)
- practice yoga
- affirm myself
- read a physical book (15 min. at least)
- complete my (pre-) morning routine before everyone’s up
- listen to a podcast
- complete 8 hours sleep
- don’t skip breakfast
- eat at the table
- make the bed before 10 am
- walk/run/exercise (20 min. at least)
- take x number of steps
- eat a salad bowl
- drink fruit juice (1 glass at least)
- drink milk + turmeric powder
- vitamins
- take honey
- keep calories below x
- no eating out
- no caffeine
- cook at home
- no sugar
- no soda
- drink 8 glasses water
- pray
- smile/laugh (5 times at least)
- kill A.N.T.S (automatic negative thoughts)
- visualize my goals
- brush teeth twice a day
- floss
- oil pull
- face mask
- moisturize feet
- hobby (15 min. at least)
- iron clothes the night before
- prepare lunch box the night before
- wash my face before sleeping
- leave phone outside bedroom before going to bed
- get in bed before 9 pm
- complete today’s to-do list
- update habit tracker each night
- fill my planner for tomorrow the night before
- play with my son: 1 on 1 (20 min. at least)
- take him outside (1 time at least)
- Take the pet outside (if you have one)
- Feed the fish/pet x times
- zero spending
- save/put away x dollars
- nap (20 min. at least)
- Pray with kido
- color with him (1 page at least)
- practice skill x with him
- story time with kido
- no phone around kido
- no (or x min.) screen time for kido
- give kido his vitamins
- art/craft activity (1 at least)
- check his homework/notebooks
- no yelling
- no bad words/language
- limit tv/entertainment to half hour
- watch one funny/inspirational video
- put toys away before bed
- appreciate/thank husband (3 times at least)
- do something sweet/loving for husband (x times at least)
- help someone (1 person at least)
- encourage someone (1 person at least)
- make someone laugh (1 time at least)
- forgive (1 person at least)
- text a friend/cousin/extended family
- Use social media only for half an hour
- Use social media only once a day
- declutter (1 corner at least)
- laundry
- dust
- vacuum
- do the dishes
- clean bathroom
- water plants
- feed the birds
- read today’s headlines
- clear all flat surfaces/counters before bed
- put laundry away
- clean kitchen before going to bed
- put garbage out
- call/text my mom/dad
- work on my blog (2 hours at least)
- write x number of words
- tick off 1 task from my blogging course
- update plugins
- Manually pin on Pinterest
- check today’s emails
- clear out inbox
- reply to blog comments/social media messages etc
This list of things to keep track of is just the beginning, you can add so many more ideas depending on your current circumstances and daily struggles right now. Keep it easy though.
Free Habit Tracker Template You Can Try Now (My Personal Monthly Habit Tracker!)
You can access my habit tracker PDF file to get started. Here is the step by step instructions on how to fill in a habit tracker printable:
- Click the image of the monthly habit tracker printable or fill out the form below
- Fill out the form so I can send the printable to you
- Check your email for the template in your inbox
- Download and open the PDF file
- Print it out on a US Letter size paper
- Grab a pen, sit down with your coffee mug and fill in the habits you want to work on, in the vertical section of the sheet, under the heading ‘HABITS’.
- Put the sheet up on the wall or on your fridge so you see it throughout the day and keep plugging in your habit activities when you can
- Keep the pen close to the sheet at all times, so you can cross off as you make progress – the sheer act of crossing off your important habits will keep filling you with more and more motivation, just like a chain reaction!
If You Want To Learn How To Draw A Habit Tracker
I found a lovely video that shows 5 different habit tracker ideas you can draw.
If You Build Healthy Habits With Your Daily Habit Tracker…
If you’re not happy with how you are spending time doing any and everything that comes your way, if you want to make significant changes in your everyday activities but keep getting distracted by more pressing tasks, a habit tracker will hold your hand out of this issue.
Do try using a habit tracker just like you use clocks or calendars, at least once to actually experience the benefits you now know about. It has definitely changed my life in good ways and I only regret not investing the time to start my habit tracking habit earlier! Download this free printable habit tracker now, use it as a loose sheet, or put it in your planner/bullet journal whichever you use.
[…] Read More: 101 Thing To Keep Track Of (+ Free Habit Tracker Template) […]