Hi, I’m Hena, the she-power behind Mending with Gold which is where I share my adventures in building a thriving stay-at-home-mom life.
The only problem for women like me is HOMEMAKING IS TOOOOO HARD!!
This blog is the story of how I learn to manage time and energy as a stay at home mom!
Here you’ll find help with:
- Productivity hacks and tips for the overwhelmed mom
- Health and wellness ideas and inspiration for tired and worn out moms
- Other things that happen at home.
I have a free resource library of homemaking tools you will love.
I’m constantly updating it with materials like checklists, binder sheets, and printables to use for different things at home or with kids.
If you sign up for it, you will also get my weekly newsletter with inspiration and practical help geared specifically towards stay at home moms.
About my personal life
We are a military family (which means always on the move, long distances, etc):
But this adorable reason (my little boy) fills most gaps:
Oh, I forgot to tell you…
The name of my blog Mending with gold (MwG for your convenience) comes from a concept the Japanese used for fixing their broken crockery (called kintsugi). They would attach the broken pieces of a pot together using gold. So the broken aspects (cracks and joints) ended up being more precious.
TCracks filled with gold made a broken pot more precious than an unbroken one.
We all have some part of life that IS out of order (or broken).
MwG for us means we fix these broken areas of life with gold (precious moments, acts or whatever that may mean for you) so they become better and dearer than a whole (but ordinary) life.
Would you like to mend any broken aspect of your life with gold? Let me know by writing to me at hena @ mendingwithgold.com? I would love to connect with like-minded moms.
And while you’re here, why not connect with me on Pinterest too so you can see more amazing homemaking ideas I have collected from the entire interwebs?
Bye for now, and do not forget to fill your day with at least one golden moment TODAY!!!