Over 75% of U.S citizens are overwhelmed and stressed out. – American Psychological Association.
(Too overwhelmed to find time to read this? Watch this 1 min. video summary instead.)
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On the flip side, there are far more success stories today than ever. What do they do differently? We have equal rights to success now don’t we? So, follow along and help yourself to these three overwhelm remedies.
We all have too much to do each day. And almost everything is very important. But the gurus focus on their most important one. Garry Keller author of The 1 Thing describes it best as the EXTREME PARETO principle. He takes the 80/20 principle (that the minority of your efforts lead to the majority of your results – read thrice and it’ll click!) to the next level.
He purges our to-do lists and points that all successful people focus on their wildly important one thing at any given time. They are not do-all-be-all people. Yes, that means giving up on rest of the more (but not most) important tasks for the moment. And yes, it may also seem like giving up control of our life.
Stats show the presence of 2.6 million apps in play store alone. Use this tech blast to your favor. For whatever you are trying to accomplish, there will be an app to speed up or ease your game.
It’s strange how many people using alarms and devices of the sort only build upon dis-integrity by refusing to let these poor creatures work for them.
While people complain about alarms and calendars, I like to think of these less as despots and more as my very concerned personal assistants! This thought alone helps me to follow through without any urge to shun the device.
Note: It is wise to stick to one for the task at hand for sharing your load.
For schedules use google calendar. If you write, use Grammarly or Hemmingway app to significantly reduce language errors. Want to focus on your task? Use Self-Control or Stay Focused so you’re cut off from everything else except your work. Struggling to stay on track? Use a productivity tracker like RescueTime. Did you know you could even go paperless with Evernote?
The key is, not to consider it as a one-more-thing-to-do. Rather invest the effort or money to add a useful tool to catalyze your work efficiency.
Let help come in!
There’s nothing more important for cutting overwhelm than taking charge of your situation. Focusing on your most leveraging task, reducing resistances by following a routine like the pros do, or seeking tech help, all require for you to realize that the too many balls in the air also mean that after all, the ball(s) is in your court. Take charge of your stressed out condition, keep educating yourself to conscientiously instill these habits.
You got this!
Thanks for this post! I always thought I can never work in an organised way because I’m not type of person, know what I mean? But surprise, surprise, I did try almost all these steps when I had my exams last year and they actually worked. I aced.